Edit the Balance of Your Plate

PrintIf I mention “balancing your plate” are you picturing a plate spinning on a stick, or just sitting steadily on the tip of your finger? Relax. That’s not what I mean.

I’m not talking about balancing the plate itself, but rather the contents of the plate … your food. And I’m referring to balancing the macronutrients that make up your meal.

Macronutrients is a big word that means “a type of food (e.g., fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in the human diet.”

Whoa! What jumps out to you as being outside our normal expectations these days? Notice that fat is noted as a food that we require in large amounts? That’s NOT what the media have been advocating for the past several decades. Read more

EDIT Your Pace

Slow DownHave you been through military boot camp? I haven’t, but I have many family members who have. One thing I have heard consistently is that during boot camp eating meals was not given priority on the schedule, and the DI’s attitude was usually “eat now, taste it later.” Which they often did. Burp!
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EDIT Your Meal’s Courses

Healthy PlateYou’ve heard about the problems related to eating a diet full of processed carbohydrates or added sugars. Have you experienced the blood sugar spike and subsequent crash that brings hunger and cravings along with it? You may not have realized what was happening inside, but the result is the same.

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