There is a whole ecosystem, a world, in your belly and it influences your body's function, even contributing to weight gain.

There’s A Whole World In Your Belly

Are you aware that there is a whole ecosystem residing inside your body? Occasionally it gets our attention with uncomfortable symptoms in our gut. Oh, you didn’t realize that was the ecosystem talking, did you? You could actually consider it a whole world in your belly, and it influences your body’s function, including weight gain. Read more

It's not unusual to need a small snack between meals. Discover an equation you can use to make sure you choose snacks that sustain you.

Choose Snacks That Sustain You Between Meals

Do you snack in between meals? It’s not unusual to need a small snack between your three larger meals to keep you sustained throughout the day. This helps your blood sugar stay balanced, which also helps with mood and energy. But take a stroll down the snack aisle at your local grocery store, and you’ll find a lot of packaged foods that aren’t beneficial to your health. How do you choose snacks that sustain you between meals?

There’s an equation you can use to make sure you are snacking in a way benefits you the most. After all, you’re less likely to overeat or crash during the day when your body has a steady stream of nutrients to fuel it. Here are some essential snacking tips to help keep you sustained throughout the day. Read more

Spring Cleaning For Your Body

As signs of spring appear, many are beginning the process of spring cleaning in their homes. Have you ever considered spring cleaning for your body? It’s a valuable practice that helps to “clear the sludge” that collects through winter months … or perhaps life changes related to a pandemic.

As we see in nature, winter’s cold weather causes us to naturally slow down and become more sedentary. This can lead to accumulation of added waste in the body. Spring’s biorhythm provides an ideal setting for a focused housecleaning, allowing the body to release this accumulated waste.

Living in the western world by default exposes us daily to a toxic “soup” of chemicals. This exposure comes from plastics, pesticides, flame retardants, personal hygiene products, and heavy metals from foods and our environment. Read more

Many are frustrated by weight gain during the holidays. Before you start another diet, there are some important tips I'd like to share.

Before You Start That Diet ….

It’s the beginning of a new year. Across the US, there are many who are frustrated by the bigger number on their bathroom scale and are choosing the diet they will use this time around. Would this be you, too? Before you start that diet, there are some important tips I’d like to share.

Losing weight is more than eating less and exercising more. When the body can’t eliminate toxins, it stashes them in adipose tissue – fat cells. Weight loss releases not only fat, but toxins too. That’s often why you feel sluggish when dieting. Read more

As you work to maintain holiday traditions, the pressure can build inside. Before your kettle starts to whistle, you can use CPR.

Before Your Kettle Starts To Whistle

We are fully in the holiday season and I’m sure you are working to maintain what holiday traditions we can. Some of our treasured traditions must be set aside, while others can be enjoyed with modifications. What are you still scrambling to keep track of, to grasp, to process? When the pressure builds inside, before your kettle starts to whistle, you can use CPR.

No, I’m not referring to the chest compressions that are used when the heart is in cardiac arrest. I want to offer a different meaning for the acronym – confess, press, relax. Read more

When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Vitamins Boost Your Immune Function

When faced with uncertainty related to disease risk, how do you respond? Most of us follow recommendations to wash our hands and isolate from others and wear face masks when in public. Is that enough? I believe you need vitamins to boost your immune function.

Washing your hands is very effective against bacteria and viruses. You don’t need antibacterial soap – the traditional form will work quite well. In fact, I don’t recommend using a lot of antibacterial products because they destroy the microbiome on your skin. That microbiome is part of your protective barrier, and exposure to your environment informs your immune system. Read more

Flavor And Health Benefits From Autumn Herbs

One of my favorite parts of autumn is the aromas that are specific to the season. The warming spices, curries, and pumpkin — there’s something so comforting about these scents. Interestingly, the herbs and spices we rely on for flavoring our fall cooking have some incredible health benefits. Flavor, aroma and health benefits from autumn herbs – that’s a win! Read more

Have You Got A Gallbladder?

We are rarely aware of bile’s vital function in our bodies. It’s certainly not a sexy topic, or one that we often discuss with our doctor; yet it has a unique role in keeping balance in our digestive system. Have you got a gallbladder? Whether you do or not, knowing its purpose is more important than you may realize. Read more

Are you one of the 60 million Americans who experience acid reflux? I'm guessing that your primary concern is to extinguish the pain.

Extinguish the Pain!

Are you one of the 60 million Americans who experience acid reflux? It used to be primarily an issue for those over 50, but it now is seen in every race, gender and adult age group. No matter the demographics, I’m guessing that your primary concern is to extinguish the pain.

Why does it hurt so much? That would be the digestive juices from your stomach getting into your esophagus, which lacks the mucosal lining that protects your stomach. Without that lining, juices that pop up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) damage the tissue in your esophagus. Read more

Rather than get caught up in fear from all the reports of pandemic, you can be proactive and arm yourself for Coronavirus

Arm Yourself For Coronavirus

You cannot view any news media without coming across the latest development with the Coronavirus strain. It’s even being touted in political campaigns. What thoughts do these reports prompt? Disbelief? Concern? Fear?

How do you respond to the reports? Are you feeling that it couldn’t possibly be true, or letting your imagination run rampant and barring the door? Read more