Update Your Outdoor Menu For Fun and Wellness

One of the best aspects of summer is gathering outside with your friends and family to enjoy delicious food and conversation. Warm (or hot) weather and longer days are the perfect equation for a gathering. Cookouts are a staple of summer, but if you’re trying to eat for better health, you may be left munching on the veggie tray as everyone else fills their plate with hotdogs and baked beans.

You don’t have to be stuck with just the veggie tray. There are numerous healthful options to choose from during the summer cookout months, so there’s no need to be left out of the fun or go home hungry. Read more

Healthful Snacks That Fuel and Satisfy

Summer produce boasts various delicious fruits and vegetables that we (okay, I) wait all year to enjoy.  Watermelon, juicy cantaloupe and berries bursting with flavor and nutrients are just a few of my favorite summer treats. The summer months are often filled with outdoor activities and travel in addition to our normal commitments which leave your schedule jam-packed.  Read more

Healthful Lunches That Travel

Lunchtime during the work week can be a real challenge when your goal is to fuel your body well. There may be tantalizing treats from well-meaning co-workers waiting in your office break room or a vending machine in close proximity to your desk.

Temptation surrounds you and can veer you off of your path quickly, leaving you not only drained of energy, but also feeling disappointed and defeated. To avoid these negative feelings, it’s crucial to be proactive about your meals for the work week. Read more

Have A Plan to Eat Well?

I believe that it is safe to say that most of us recognize the need to eat well, and I daresay many of us have purposed to improve our choices and support our bodies with better food.

How is that going for you?

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Why Ditch Your Sugar Habit?

Do you have a firm grasp on the amount of sugar you consume? Most people do not. It’s been said that the average person consumes more than 40 pounds of sugar in a calendar year, but I found more updated information indicating that the average amount is actually closer to 150 pounds — quite alarming, don’t you think?

When we think of sugar, sweet desserts such as cakes, donuts, candy, and cookies come to mind immediately. But there are tremendous amounts of sugar hiding in everyday things we consume, and when we consume them regularly, they add up fast. Read more

Insert the Gift of Nutrients for 2018

Christmas is fast approaching, and it is time to savor all the joy it brings — friends, family, meals together, giving & gratitude. Of course, these are accompanied by hearty dishes and sweets that can certainly wreak havoc on our bodies. Casseroles laden with cream, sugary cakes and cookies, and other tempting empty calorie bombs will adorn the dining tables we surround. Unless we do something about it, that is!

But how can you make healthy decisions during this season of eating, especially without anyone noticing? Well, I have a few of my favorite tricks to share with you that I have used – and the best part is, nobody ever notices. Read more

Got Milk? Do You Need It?

You do not need to drink milk to be healthy. Sounds like blasphemy, doesn’t it?

Most of us have been encouraged since childhood to drink our milk so we would grow strong bones.

No matter how many mustache-bearing Hollywood stars tell you otherwise, milk does not necessarily do a body good.

The American Dairy Association want us to think we will die early, or fall and break something, without a daily glass of milk. Yet there are entire countries of people who never consume dairy products, and they thrive with plenty of calcium in their diets. They even have Olympic teams! Read more

Eating an Apple a Day?

Did your grandma tell you that eating an apple a day would keep the doctor away? I can’t remember when I first heard the phrase, but I can remember looking at an apple in my hand and wondering how it would help. Did you wonder the same thing?

Could something as simple make a significant difference? Yes. I believe it can.

While the phrase has been traced back to 1922, it was likely based on observation. Chinese Medicine (also observational) has long taught that apples strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucus and increase body fluids. Read more

Do you find yourself drawn to sweets? It is possible to tame your sweet tooth by employing these strategies and you'll have better energy.

What Drives Your Cravings?

When we think about food cravings, typically the first thing that comes to mind is some type of junk food. You know what I mean – food-like substances that are processed, high in calories, low in nutrients, and generally unhealthy. Aren’t these what you tend to crave?

What tops your craving list? Chocolate chip cookies? A big bowl of ice cream? Or perhaps you lean toward salty snacks like chips? Read more

Which System Is Dominant?

On your average day, I’m guessing that you are most concerned about getting through your plans, with little thought to how your body is managing in the process.

While there are numerous systems that function as a part of your overall body, there are two primary nervous systems that can have a significant affect. These are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous symptoms.

Fancy names, but what do these systems do? If you have heard the phrase “fight or flight” you have actually heard the nickname of the sympathetic nervous system. Read more