
Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Don’t Simply Excuse Burps – Explore Them

Do you find yourself having an issue with burping? It can be distressing. Most in the United States would not consider burping to be good manners or fitting a professional setting. But I suggest you don’t simply excuse burps. Instead, don’t simply excuse burps – explore them.

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Are you one of the 60 million Americans who experience acid reflux? I'm guessing that your primary concern is to extinguish the pain.

Extinguish the Pain!

Are you one of the 60 million Americans who experience acid reflux? It used to be primarily an issue for those over 50, but it now is seen in every race, gender and adult age group. No matter the demographics, I’m guessing that your primary concern is to extinguish the pain.

Why does it hurt so much? That would be the digestive juices from your stomach getting into your esophagus, which lacks the mucosal lining that protects your stomach. Without that lining, juices that pop up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) damage the tissue in your esophagus. Read more

Is Heartburn Caused by Lack of Acid?

Is Heartburn Caused by Lack of Acid?

Do you joke about heartburn? Perhaps it started off as an occasional, nagging burning in your chest and you blamed Grandma’s cooking. Is it still occasional, or has it crept into regular discomfort? Are you wondering if heartburn is caused by lack of acid instead of too much?

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Magnesium Is A Nutrient Powerhouse

Got Magnesium?

Do you experience tightness, tension or spasms in your body on a regular basis? When I am reviewing a client’s symptoms and see any of these noted, the first thing I check is magnesium levels. That’s right! It is more likely a deficiency in this mineral than a lack of Tylenol or any other pain reliever.

There are many other symptoms that can signal a lack of magnesium … including headaches, constipation, acid reflux, sleep issues, anxiety, high blood pressure and joint or muscle pain. Read more

Stoke the Fire and Fuel Your Cells

stomach-acidThere are several avenues by which the outside world enters your body, including breathing, consuming liquids or solids through your mouth, and absorption through your skin. Digestion is involved when you eat or drink.

Digestion – like breathing – is a process we tend to take for granted, unless you notice signs that something’s amiss.

Have you felt the burn of acid reflux or GERD? Read more

Stoke the Fire in Your Gut

stomach-acidIn prior articles, I have outlined the path that our food takes when we eat a bite. Starting with chewing, and then swallowing to send the food down the esophagus into the stomach, where it meets with stomach acid to aid in the next stages of digestion.

We aren’t aware of the intricate process that our food goes through once we swallow a bite. You may have heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” yet I would say that is not a complete statement. Simply eating doesn’t make the food become a part of you. It must be broken down into its constituent components – proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into starches and glucose, and fats into fatty acids – in order for your body to absorb them. Read more