Lifesaving Benefits … At A Price

I have spoken to very few people who have not taken an antibiotic at some time in their life. Prescribed for bacterial infections and sometimes parasites, antibiotics can be a lifesaver – but using antibiotics can be harmful.

The human gut is populated with trillions of microbes – estimated to be ten times the number of human cells that make up our bodies. These microbes support our immune system and affect our weight, our moods, our vulnerability to allergies and asthma, and our risk of autoimmune disease. They are symbiotic partners in creating wellness in our bodies. Read more

What’s the Condition of Your Battleground?

The battle against COVID-19 rages on. Most of us now know someone who has tested positive for the virus or, sadly, has passed away. We continue to practice social distancing and stay in our homes, though it pains us to be apart from family and friends.

Have you found your perspective changing with regard to the virus? In the early days we scoured the internet for tips on fighting this unseen enemy. You may have increased your Vitamin C, and begun a regular practice of disinfecting your home. Read more

We like certainty. When things feel uncertain, it is normal to feel stressed. Part of protecting your health is being mindful - what are you thinking?

What Are You Thinking?

We like certainty. We are hard-wired to want to know what is happening and notice threats, and when things feel uncertain, it is normal to feel stressed. And while this reaction is there to protect us, it can cause havoc when there is a sense of uncertainty and conflicting information around us. What are you thinking?

Are you feeling some anxiety? Right now, many of us are worried about COVID-19. We may feel helpless about what will happen and uncomfortable with our apparent loss of control, and this uncertainty can remind us of times when we didn’t feel safe and the future was uncertain. Read more

Rather than get caught up in fear from all the reports of pandemic, you can be proactive and arm yourself for Coronavirus

Arm Yourself For Coronavirus

You cannot view any news media without coming across the latest development with the Coronavirus strain. It’s even being touted in political campaigns. What thoughts do these reports prompt? Disbelief? Concern? Fear?

How do you respond to the reports? Are you feeling that it couldn’t possibly be true, or letting your imagination run rampant and barring the door? Read more

Arm Yourself Against Illness

‘Tis the season – the flu season is being heralded all around us. Are you prepared? And how can you arm yourself against illness, be it flu or cold or other form?

Though there’s no guaranteed way to avoid getting sick, supporting your immune system is what I consider the best way (even ahead of vaccines). Read more

How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

How to Boost Your Immune System Without A Vaccine

Let’s talk about how to boost your immune system without a vaccine and get you through the rough allergy and cold seasons.

Many of us look forward to the cooler temperatures and colors that appear in nature with fall’s arrival, but not so much the illness that often comes with the change in season. Have you struggled with allergies, asthma, sinus infections, a perpetual cold, or been laid low with the flu? That last one took me down for the first time last season and I don’t plan to let it sneak up on me again.

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Got the Guts to Be Healthy?

We all know someone who is making an effort to improve their health. What steps are they taking? Exercising, not drinking sodas, and eating less processed foods are common first steps.

In my years of study and observation, I have come to the firm conclusion that health begins in the gut … and the flip side is equally true … that disease also begins in the gut. Read more

Why Ditch Your Sugar Habit?

Do you have a firm grasp on the amount of sugar you consume? Most people do not. It’s been said that the average person consumes more than 40 pounds of sugar in a calendar year, but I found more updated information indicating that the average amount is actually closer to 150 pounds — quite alarming, don’t you think?

When we think of sugar, sweet desserts such as cakes, donuts, candy, and cookies come to mind immediately. But there are tremendous amounts of sugar hiding in everyday things we consume, and when we consume them regularly, they add up fast. Read more

Give Me the Vitamin D-tails!

A “D” on your report card isn’t favorable, yet a good “D” level on your lab report is important. Wondering why? Vitamin D has been featured in many an article on health, but science has revealed more detail that I would like to share with you.

Let me start by clarifying that Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone. We call it a “vitamin” because it is not made in the body and must be provided from external sources. Most vitamins are taken in via food, but Vitamin D is created in conjunction with precursors of cholesterol in the skin with proper sun exposure. Given our reduced outdoor activity in winter and use of sunscreen, we are often deficient. Read more

Arm Yourself to Fight Illness!

We all know someone who has been sick in the past month – perhaps you, a family member, or a friend. The media is touting this as an especially bad flu season. What should you do to protect yourself?

Despite all the encouragement to get the flu shot, I do not recommend that as your primary strategy. The flu shot can actually hinder your immune system, as it comes with a nasty dose of mercury that is dangerous to your body. Read more