Magnesium Is A Nutrient Powerhouse

Got Magnesium?

Do you experience tightness, tension or spasms in your body on a regular basis? When I am reviewing a client’s symptoms and see any of these noted, the first thing I check is magnesium levels. That’s right! It is more likely a deficiency in this mineral than a lack of Tylenol or any other pain reliever.

There are many other symptoms that can signal a lack of magnesium … including headaches, constipation, acid reflux, sleep issues, anxiety, high blood pressure and joint or muscle pain. In fact, magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat steady and helps bones remain strong. It’s a vital mineral!

Magnesium could also be considered a master electrolyte since it controls the pump that sends potassium into your cells. If you spend a lot of time in the heat or have trouble maintaining electrolyte balance, you would likely benefit from supplemental magnesium.

If you have shopped for supplements, you have seen how many different forms and strengths are available. Magnesium is no exception. And it’s important to realize that all bottles of magnesium are not created equal. There are different forms that fit different needs. Let me share some tips of the forms to seek …

Magnesium Citrate – if you have had a colonoscopy, you are familiar with the liquid form. This is a common form of magnesium supplement that is best use for constipation. If you have a tendency to experience diarrhea, I would avoid this form. It is also not a form that effectively boosts your cellular magnesium levels.

Magnesium Glycinate or Malate – these are forms of amino acid chelates that are effective for replenishing magnesium in your cells. These forms are the most common for me to recommend to my clients, including those who suffer from headaches, tightness, spasm or electrolyte issues.

Anxiety, panic attacks or cardiovascular issues warrant other chelates to provide dual benefits from the magnesium and amino acid. If you struggle with these challenges, it would be good for us to meet.

If you are taking supplemental magnesium, I recommend that you pull out the bottles and check the ingredient label. The form included in your supplement is important. If you find that your supplement has magnesium oxide, you are getting very little benefit and a change in supplement may be warranted.

Do you take a protein pump inhibitor for acid reflux or heartburn issues? By reducing stomach acid, these drugs impair your ability to separate minerals from the food you are eating. Diuretic medications taken to reduce fluid retention through increased urination cause the loss of electrolytes which are vital for proper blood pressure. If you are taking either of these types of medications, you likely have depleted levels of magnesium.

It is important to note that if you have any form of kidney disease or dysfunction, you should not supplement magnesium without your doctor’s supervision.

Additionally, I would note that even though pain relievers are offered over-the-counter without restriction, they are not used regularly without potential danger to the digestive tract or causing toxicity.

One of the key aspects of pursuing wellness is listening to your body’s messages and seeking to meet it’s needs with nutritional support. It’s easy to answer aches with a pill that will hide the symptom, but that approach is like putting a bandage over the issue without really supporting healing. The answers are available if you are willing to listen to the message and explore changes. I’m here to help!

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